Collin Oaks Winery is committd to producing the perfect wine . We have created the Collin Oaks Institure for Genetic Wine Reasearch to explore using genetic editing to make the perfect wine from the perfect fruit.. We use the CRSPR gene splicing technology to explore the enhancement of wine fruits.
The universe in all its unfathomable mystery is the cosmos. The ancient Greeks liked lucky people because they believed they were favored by the gods. Well, we all know people who are obviously favored by what we might perceive as the gods, which to these people is in fact the cosmos itself. We give our brain credit for being an unimaginably powerful machine, which it is, but it has access to and perhaps even controls an even more powerful entity, the unseen universe around us. This book explores this connection and details both the scientific basis for that power and how these lucky people came to be favored by it. We will describe how it is still accessible to us today through the mind and will introduce a new paradigm that explains how and why so many people still have the favor of the gods to this day.
The Scientific Proof
James Circe
Prolog – Where to Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
A. Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
B. Pineal gland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
C. Fascia system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
D. Enteric brain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
E. Microtubules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
F. Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
A. The Quantum Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
B. Entanglement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
C. Superposition and Quantum Collapse . . . . . 40
D. Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
E. Consciousness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
A. DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
B. Epigenetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
C. CRISPR – Gene Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
D. The Placebo Effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
E. Quantum Entanglement of Cells . . . . . . . . . 64
A. Process Proofs and Assumptions . . . . . . . . . 66
B. Summary of Scientific Proofs . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
C. Summary of Assumptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
D. Event Collapse Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
A. Meditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
B. Law of Attraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
C. Rho State Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
VII. Synopsis – The Magic of Quantum Science. . . 94
A. External Mind Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
B. Holograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
C. Quantum Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
D. Quantum State Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
E. Definition of Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
F. For Further Reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man.
Albert Einstein
Prolog – Where to Begin
No two topics hold more mystery for us than those of quantum physics and the spiritual nature of the human body. We think of them as so unrelated that they seem to sit and stare at each other from their own mountaintops. It is surprising then that one of them would blink and move toward the other, albeit slowly and tentatively. This happened when the proponents of the known and proven found their way to proving that the entire universe is actually a giant energy field, just like those believers in the unknown but suspected have been saying for thousands of years. As the dust settles on this windstorm, we find ourselves asking what it all means. Is there a real connection between the two after all, something we can wrap our minds around and maybe even demonstrate? If so, can we as humans play a more active role in it all?
I became interested in this project when wine fruit gene editing became an everyday possibility for a small winery like Collin Oaks. I jumped into the process and was able to verify the ease of the DNA editing in our winery lab. Creating a tastier fruit is now looking like a simple chemical process. After deciding that human DNA really can be made to order, I was intrigued enough to go on to learn how the human body could possibly be so complicated yet work so well. This led to quantum physics, brain magnetism, what the world is really made of, and what is consciousness. This of course, led me into the spiritual side of humans, into meditation and energy flow, our connection to nature and not only the how but the why of it all.
But even before I got far enough to answer esoteric questions like that, I hit one that was closer to our personal experiences. That is: Is reality real? Obviously, it isn’t what we think it is, or is it, really? We think we see a table. Every hard surface is made of tiny atoms that are mostly space, just a tiny nucleus and a tinier bit of electrons circling it. If an atom were blown up in size to where the nucleus was as big as a basketball, the electrons would be over two miles away. If you removed the space from a table, you wouldn’t be able to see it at all. We think it is solid because trillions of unimaginably small particles are emitting tiny dots of light that the brain smears together. It feels hard because the electromagnetic fields set up by the particles repel each other, like magnets that are put with similar poles toward each other.
So why worry about the inner truth of it all since it seems real enough to work? Pain is real to us, even if it is imagined in the brain, right? And emotional trauma feels real enough, with no way to keep it from happening and precious few instant cures. So, could claims of a connection to an all-wise and helpful cosmos that allows us to escape the downside of existence altogether be just as real? Or indeed, scientifically probable?
In my research for a scientific basis for these claims, I have found that the science is even weirder than the claims. Objects existing in multiple places at once? Action at a distance with no physical or field connection? Watching something happen before the event that caused it to happen (quantum version of time travel); the universe arranged with plasma connections, making it look like the brain neural network; a quick DNA self-editing process so simple people can do it in their kitchen; crystals synthesized inside the human body that create a magnetic field around us that can be detected on the outside; animals that can navigate by the earth’s magnetic field as well as the moons gravitational effect; the human brain constantly rewiring itself (and allowing you to do so); a fiber-optic like communications system connecting all parts of the body? Yes, weirdly true, and all published in peer-reviewed scientific papers. Why would a connection between the cosmos and our brains seem so unbelievable then?
This is not an original scientific work. The experimental results we describe are a compiled arrangement of research from an ever-increasing base of published knowledge, first envisioned during my graduate work in physics on the nature of solid-state materials. It was written for those who really want to know if science will support the existence of what we like to call our soul, the spiritual side of our bodies. We will explore in layman’s terms, wherever possible, the science behind the more exciting new scientific methods, that of the quantum world of tiny things that don’t act like we do, how the DNA that was guided to enable human evolution has been turned over to us to complete the evolution, how the human brain is infinitely more complex than we can even imagine and how it may now be controlled by us to connect with the powerful quantum fields that make up our cosmos.
At the beginning of each chapter, I have included a summary of what has been discussed so far and have repeated critical passages throughout, so you may find it useful to skip the technical descriptions and go directly to the connection model, then refer back to them for deeper understanding.
We may raise more questions than we answer, but hopefully it will result in encouraging some readers to dig further by following the links outlined here to get more of those answers.
I. Introduction
You are about to enter the twilight world of the quantum cosmos. Actually, you’re already there and have been since you were conceived. Why do I start there, since the stardust you are made from is much, much older? It’s because that’s about the time you start collecting the parts and mystical functions that will rule your life. It’s when you started becoming you.
But what are you besides the matter of stars? Knowledge of how the physical body looks and functions has been figured out and well documented. Mostly water, and at a lower level oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. It’s the part we can’t see that that has kept us scratching our heads. Current scientific method requires a smoking gun for proof before it gets any amount of credibility. This has certainly let us gain a vast knowledge of the universe, what we call the cosmos. But where’s the magic?
Early on, the developing human zygote figures out that it’s time to form a human body by creating a great number of different cell types: nerves, muscles, ligaments, organs, etc. How it does so is that circle on our time-line chart that says Then a miracle occurs. If you want to see a blank stare from a scientist, ask how that works.
Then ask a mother how she knows when her child is going through an emotional upheaval. Or a twin thinking of their other half or knowing when they get hurt. Look for a reasonable answer to how a placebo can heal people, or how some people can heal their bodies and change their lives by finding balance and coherence in their brains. Explain the results of experiments that show that our brains are constantly rewiring themselves and changing our DNA.
Then there is the weirdness of new scientific breakthroughs in quantum science. There are no definitive answers in the quantum world. It works on the probability of uncertain events with the two-out-of-three type winner getting to determine reality. Suggested models can be put forth but they can only be disproven, not proven. We can only try to find possible solutions by interpreting what are reasonable results from our experimental data and try to apply them to our real lives.
We will look at the parts of the body that are set up to function in quantum ways, take a birds-eye view of quantum physics, then look in more depth at how the body cells handle the constant barrage of information they receive. Along the way we will put the most likely pieces together into our own model of how the brain and cosmos interact and call it Event Collapse Theory, then outline a couple of ways everyone can access the power it gives us, and finally, venture into a seer’s view of the society these new technologies and ideas will eventually lead us into.
II. The Quantum Body
With all its built-in complexity, how can the body run so smoothly that it can continue to function as a single entity, day in and day out, for many years? It of course needs proper maintenance in diet, movement of muscles, and in the intangibles that we call its spiritual needs: peace of mind, interest in things beyond our own survival and safety, connection with other people, and appreciation of nature and what we have been given. And lots more. And it offers, just maybe, a way to control our futures.
We know that biological forces employ quantum physics. How they use these forces is our subject.
First is a look at a few of the critical organs that are required to input information from other parts of the body. They each have to analyze the new data and make decisions about what kind of chemicals to manufacture to keep the sender happy. They all go to extra lengths to set up a means of creating a magnetic field around themselves that can interact with each other and seem to know the big picture of what is going on with the entire body. These organs have all have extra features that go beyond their basic caretaker duties. A case can be made that these features are there to communicate with energy sources outside the body. It’s easy to show that it’s the case; harder to develop a case for cause and effect.
A. The Brain – Conscious and Subconscious
The brain is the physical home of the mind. It is 90% subconscious and 10% conscious. The subconscious is programmed in humans during the first seven years of life, when our imagination rules our reality. The ensuing years are then left for the conscious mind to interpret the stimuli that inhabit our environment and store them as conscious programs in short term memory where they can be quickly accessed when needed. With repetitions enough, the body learns to do the function without the conscious brain, so it becomes a subconscious program. It also attaches an emotion to each one and stores it in the subconscious. Subconscious programs make up over two-thirds of the total.
Using the definition of coherence as rhythm or order, we can see that a coherent brain is at its functioning peak. It is constantly churning hundreds of thousands of bits and inputs and analyses thousands of stimuli every second, is efficient, uses more energy than any other organ in the body but normally adds small amounts of stress on the entire body. In fact, it supports the organs with energy and allows them to perform their functions without sapping their strength.
Coherence in the brain is generated by the magnetic field that is created by the magnetic crystals in the brain. When an emotional stimulus is presented to the mind, vivid fluctuations occur in the waves. In this way various emotions can be traced to the originating point in the brain.
Brain Function Determination
When neurons fire, they emit electromagnetic waves called brain waves. Normally up to 19 locations on the brain can be captured at once by EEG and displayed as wave patterns. When the brain is quiet and balanced, the waves are evenly spaced with smooth peaks and valleys. When stressed, the waves no longer line up and the display becomes irregular. These charts can be used to determine when the brain receives an external stimulus and are the proof of many of the claims of brain wave interaction with other parts of the body, with the internal and external electromagnetic fields of the body, and with the cosmos.
Electromagnetic Field
Along with the heart, the brain has the strongest electromagnetic field in the body. It can be detected externally and varies in shape and regularity by the functioning of the various power center organs. The brain itself synthesizes magnetite crystals, the strongest magnetic material known. Millions of these tiny crystals create the brain’s field and are considered to be the media apparatus that allows communication with other parts of the brain and even with the cosmos itself, which is a similar field. Stress shrinks the field and causes irregularities in the total body image.
These crystals also are sensitive to all kinds of external magnetic fields. Indeed, the amount of electromagnetic energy being propagated all over the earth is sufficient to not only alter our moods but to cause the release of chemicals that result in altering our own gene expression activity. We blame the weather or the humidity or allergies when we may have gotten an overdose of rf energy from our WIFIs, or a nearby cell tower, or even a leaky microwave oven.
A survey of elderly people who had gotten a cobalt joint implant turned up a large correlation between carrying around one of these devices and brain dementia. Does having a metal antenna inside the body disrupt the normal body field, or even input false signals from our environment that fool the brain into overdosing us with our own chemicals?
Mental States
The mind is the mental resident inside the brain. It moves through several mental states as determined by the current stress mode. Under usual conditions, it is in the Beta state, where normal brain activity takes place. When all external stimuli are shut out, the mind falls into a lower state called the Alpha state, then can go lower to Theta, which is the last state before the lowest Delta state brings sleep. When darkness comes, melatonin from the pineal gland causes the mind to quickly go through these states to get to the lower ones. They are also crucial to the process of transcendental meditation, which will be described later.
Every event has an emotion attached to it. The Limbic section of the brain is the emotion handler. When stimulated, the brain searches memory for the meaning. It creates an image of what it perceives and turns it into a chemical called emotion. Each chemical informs a part of the body (mostly through the fascial system) of the action that needs to be taken. Your face reflects your view of the current event. When you use facial muscles, the brain releases chemicals to support their meaning.
Stress Functioning
When the brain receives information that there is a problem that may need immediate attention, it dumps adrenalin into the bloodstream. This results in any and all body systems that aren’t immediately needed to determine fight or flight to shut down, thus throwing the whole system out of balance. An unbalanced system causes toxic substances to accumulate, some organs to get a diminished blood supply, natural rhythms to lose their resonance and ability to respond to normal requests for maintaining the body. All the energy is rerouted to survival muscles and unconscious brain programs that were put in place in the early years. A panic attack is a string of worst-case scenarios in the programmed subconscious mind.
Fortunately, the brain can normally quickly determine that the threat isn’t real and return to its normal state. Unfortunately, in the modern world, the normal state is still a survival mode, either from a fear of physical harm, perceived social problem or just fear of the unknown future. When parts of the system are kept in a tense state, normal functioning as well as the body’s immune system is suppressed and disease and malfunction of organs are able to overpower the defenses. The brain becomes incoherent, which leads to mistrust of yourself. Without self-trust, the door is open for sickness of body and mind.
Neurogenesis is the growth of new neurons. It was once believed that humans are born with all the nerves they will ever have, but that has been proven false. The brain is not only constantly rewiring itself but can generate new neurons if needed. Every internal or external stimulus, every change in the state of any of the body’s many cells, will cause the brain neurons to detach and reattach in a different formation.
The brain has a fantastic ability to rewire for lost functions. This is called neuroplasticity and is the ability of the brain to change its structure; that is, its neuronal connectivity. It has been known to restore almost normal functioning to people who have lost a significant portion of their brains.
The Mind and You
The use of a subconscious program is a spontaneous reaction to a stimulus. The conscious mind is capable of creating a response that fits the current situation and allows humans to hide what they really think and feel. When it’s done with the conscious, it’s who you want to be. When it’s done with the subconscious, it’s who you really are.
A thought is an event in the brain. It becomes an experience as far as the brain is concerned, even though it never existed outside the mind, and also results in new rewiring of the brain. Every event has an emotion associated with it and is recalled when pulled from memory. The brain forms a truth about the memory and an image is created which stimulates the brain to secrete a chemical to deal with it. The chemical secretion also results in an altering of the neuron attachments in the brain.
Nature of Addiction
When cells get too much attention as a result of overpowering emotions, they give their daughter cells extra receptors for it, which decreases the receptors for nutrients, etc. An addiction is a permanent stress state.
Brain Rewiring
If the subconscious programming during the early years, which consists mostly of survival actions in a dangerous and socially demanding world, is damaging, then that programming acts as a brake on our being able to fully function as adults. It will have to be rewired and then techniques learned to fully empower the conscious to work properly with the cosmos.
B. Pineal Gland – The Third Eye
The pineal gland is a small rice grain size gland at the base of the brain and acts as the input translator for the eyes. It is the input path for the optic nerve, which carries electromagnetic pulses in the visible light range.
The brain accepts the different groups of frequencies to paint the images that we call reality. If you change the frequencies that an object emits, the brain will show you the image of a different object.
The gland uses the light signals to secrete melatonin at dark to prepare the mind for sleep and serotonin at daylight to prepare for an active day. It acts like a transducer that converts electromagnetic light into electricity. Melatonin puts the brain into a lower energy state, making it easier to voluntarily subdue consciousness in the mind. As melatonin goes up, our stress hormones go down. It also promotes DNA repair and stops over-secretion of cortisol when the body is stressed. It is known as a radical scavenger and anti-oxidant and helps control inflammation.
The gland contains calcite crystals that are piezoelectric in nature; that is, when they are physically compressed, they emit an electric charge. This creates a magnetic field that can be measured outside the body. This is perhaps why it is not as well encased as the rest of the brain. This field becomes part of the total magnetic field of the body, so the gland could be influenced by the quantum field and vice versa.
The piezoelectric effect is reversible, so it exhibits the generation of stress when an electric field is applied. Either way deforms the shape of the crystal and results in an external electrical field. Cerebrospinal fluid flows through the gland and can put pressure on crystals and increase the field strength.
Ancient authors of many of the world’s oldest religions were aware of the gland and what it could do for healing the body. It is the sixth chakra in yoga and was given power over several emotions. Known by the ancients as the third eye, it contains the same light-sensitive materials as the eye.
The pineal gland produces chemicals that act like magical elixirs. They fit into the same receptor sites in the brain as neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin, but they produce a lucid or transcendental experience, much like hallucinogenic drugs. This is the same system that produces imagery for the brain, so similar images in the brain can come from the outside through the eyes. A theory of conscious manipulation of the crystals calls for encouraging the spinal fluid flow through the gland, which puts pressure on the crystals and stimulates the charge field.
These crystals act like radio receivers. They oscillate and pick up frequencies above and below normal that oscillate the crystals. This means that they tell the brain a lot more than our consciousness accounts to us for. Perhaps a slight genetic tweaking of the response gene would allow us to be conscious of things just outside the visible band, like being able to use the infrared part of the spectrum to see at night or pick up ultraviolet light to know when solar flares are acting up or when the ozone layer is thin.
C. Fascial System
The body fascia system (also called the myofascial system) is made up of all the ligaments and other connective tissue in the body and interfaces with all the other systems. It has many similarities to the pressure nodes in acupuncture. It also provides physical support to all the muscles and organs to allow the body to stand erect and move as it does. Ancient Greek philosophers gave a lot of credence to the posture when they judged someone’s health because they realized that it provided more to the body than just strength.
Lynn McTaggert reports that the system is a fiber-optic type organ that can communicate with all other body systems at the speed of light, perhaps since it has a structure like a liquid glass. It has been given credit for being the seat of quantum entanglement for the body by constantly renewing the entangled particles of the other systems through photons traveling down its optic tubes.
The fascial system is totally involved in most movements of the body. When moving in concert with some other person, especially if in close contact, the wavefunctions of both bodies respond to the similar motion by becoming more attuned, and possibly making the fascial systems of both somewhat more like each other. These changes to the fascia are given to the brain, which aids in the alteration of the DNA of the entire body.
Each cell in the body is a powerful organism with a consciousness of its own. It waits patiently and reacts swiftly when an outside event calls its number. Since the fascia is the most intimately connected to the body parts, it would be the ideal location for changes in consciousness, which could then be the sum of all the tiny cellular consciousnesses. There may be quantum coherence among the microtubules which fill the system.
When the brain makes changes, it informs the fascia. Since the fascia is likely quantum entangled with the quantum field, both get the changes at the same time. The quantum field analyzes the new data and presents the options for the next event to the fascia, again through the entanglement, which then makes it known to the brain. The brain does its updates with this new data, thus defining reality.
D. Enteric Brain
The enteric system is comprised of over 100 million neurons, mostly wrapped around the intestines. As the atavistic nervous system of our biological precursors, it controlled the digestion and movement of food. As the larger nerve systems evolved and expanded in the brain, the enteric brain kept its same function. It has its own complex system of connective neurons and transmitters and has often been called a second brain.
When the brain signals that the body is going into survival mode, the enteric system closes down its main functions. This shuts off its ability to clean out waste material. This allows toxic chemicals to build up in the body, resulting in an unbalanced digestive system and disruption of many other functions. Unfortunately, in modern society, few people can ever get out of survival mode for any length of time. Anxiety is a normal part of our lives.
This area is considered an energy point of the body by most meditative groups. Constricting the muscles in this system keeps the brain from dropping into the sleep state during meditation and relaxing them restores the balance and can prevent and even short circuit problems as they occur for imbalances like tension headaches, insomnia, constipation, leg cramps. dizziness, brain fog, and even hiccups. It has instant communication with the brain through the vagus nerve which tells the brain that the body is not in a fight or flight state and healing won’t be interrupted from the intestine.
E. Microtubules
Microtubules act as the nerve system of the cell and structurally support it. They are found in just about all the critical organs in the body.
Quantum coherence stems from the brain microtubules. They are the nervous system that organizes things and each one has its own computer that possibly facilitates the quantum computing necessary for consciousness. Their presence in neurons in the gut also help in the enteric brain decision making at times of stress.
Microtubules can be tuned by the cell for different uses. They may be what allows inter-cell communication to work. Psychedelic compounds bind with the microtubules and change them to perceive hallucinations.
The Penrose-Hameroff theory of quantum consciousness argues that microtubules are structured in a fractal pattern which would enable quantum processes to occur.
F. Water
Water is one of the most interesting and magical materials of all. It is ubiquitous in all living things and has properties that would only be needed in a quantum world. It has even been described as a living organism itself. It can receive and hold onto vibrations, which are basic to all matter and energy. It has been suggested that the universe is simply vibration of energy that arranges matter into patterns that are frequency dependent.
Vibrating water makes up most of the mass of living things. When matter is added to water, the results are much more complex, which makes it look like the actions of a living organism. This begs the question: Is life itself animation of matter by vibration?
Water has memory. It has been tested by putting it inside a microchip in lieu of solid state memory and has great capacity for storage, far beyond what it should have. Data could possibly be stored in the magnetic field around water droplets.
A crystal-like structure has a resonant frequency that it responds to by increasing its resident energy. Resonance builds up great amounts in water similar to how it does in crystalline rocks when the right external sound is applied.
Water shields us from high-energy gamma rays from space. Since the earth is two-thirds covered by water. maybe in the early days the earth’s magnetic field was weaker, so life needed to live underwater to be shielded from gamma rays.
III. Quantum Science in a Nutshell
We have seen that the body was designed to be able to create interfaces among the critical systems, those that have to constantly make decisions and manufacture chemicals to keep them all healthy. They also create magnetic fields that intertwine and interface with each other. These fields also create electromagnetic waves that are detectable outside the body and can be correlated with the health and well-being of the person. At its basis is a strange underworld of quantum physics that sets the rules for how everything works.
Perhaps the hardest concept for anyone to get a grasp on is the strange world of quantum mechanics. You’ll be glad to know that no one understands how this works, not the brainiest scientist, not even Einstein who called it ‘spooky’. In fact, even seasoned scientists admit their exasperation at trying. Over the past century, science has continually discovered that all particles in our universe are made up of things even smaller than they knew. Current physics wisdom says that at the bottom of the ladder they find pure energy. In fact, space is not empty, it is full of energy. Particles are continually popping into existence in space and quickly recombining. What this all means is that matter is nothing like we thought.
A. The Quantum Field
Everything in the universe is connected with everything else by the quantum field. The quantum model of the field is full of information and represents a giant set of possibilities.
The universe as we know it is about 5% matter that we can detect. The rest is energy and some strange things we like to refer to as dark energy and matter because we can’t see it. The quantum field is an invisible field of energy that exists beyond space and time. In one cubic cm of space there is more energy than in all the visible matter in the cosmos. Quantum particles have spin that interacts with the vacuum, so along with a wake that the vibrations cause on the quantum pond, they also create vortices, rotating wave packets called torsion fields, possibly explaining the forces that create matter.
The question of whether matter is a wave or a particle was solved by determining that it is both. Think of light as a packet of waves whose nature comes out depending on how it is looked at. When light is shone through a slit, it creates a solid image like a particle would. If put through dual slits, it creates an interference pattern like waves would.
The waves and torsion fields interact and form interference patterns, which are encoded to make holograms in the quantum sea. Refer to the section on Holograms for details.
Space is full of energy that is constantly vibrating. This energy has been around for about 14 billion years and has absorbed a version of every event that has taken place during that time. Energy has a memory, and most of it still resides in the quantum field. It has an uncanny way of making itself available to the human brain, as we would expect if it was all created with that purpose in mind.
The cosmos was most likely set in place soon after the Big Bang. It remained entangled not only with itself but with most of the energy that became what we think of as matter. For the lifetime of the cosmos, it has interacted with matter and its own wave vibrations, building up a set of information about everything that occurred since the beginning that allows it to contain all the possibilities of every state for every particle in the universe, including those from interactions with people.
For our purposes, there are three basic quantum characteristics that are the base of it all: entanglement, superposition, and state collapse.
B. Entanglement – Spooky Action at a Distance
In this world, two particles that are quantum entangled feel any event that happens to either one just the same as if it had happened to them both, with no signal or field moving between them, no matter how far they are separated. In essence, they act like (and are) a single particle, even if they are on different planets.
Two particles become entangled when they come in contact with each other, making their wave functions (complicated physics term) identical.
Entangled particles use the quantum field to connect with each other, making it act like an ether. Strangely enough for us, there is no other connection, nothing that we can touch or measure unless, like Darth Vader, our brains pick up a disturbance in this force. What this means for us is that this spooky action will allow us to communicate with space travelers or just family on the other side of the globe instantly, with the added advantage that there is no way for anyone to listen in, block it or alter it in any way. In fact, no one else will even know it happens. Entanglement of photons has been demonstrated between places several hundred miles apart. Quantum internet will give us a secure way to transfer limitless information in the same way. To be able to demonstrate this, experimental physics took a great leap when the laser was invented. They can now create a quasi-two-dimensional plane one atom thick and control individual bits of light called photons.
At the Big Bang, all energy was entangled. In order to create matter for what was to become human reality, energy had to be decohered. Still, pure energy like that filing space remained entangled with its original wave function.
When one particle interacts with another, their wave functions equal out in a complex way that entangles them with each other. If either particle then comes in contact with a third particle, all three become entangled. Again, the complex mechanism that coheres their wave functions leave them in a third wave function. Indeed, there is no limit to how many can become entangled in this way. The number that has been scientifically measured and verified in laboratory experiments now has gone into the millions. It is strange that some particles in the universe can be entangled in their original way from the beginning if any single entanglement by anyone with that wave function causes all the original particles to change to the new wave function.
Curious aside: There again, new particles popping out of the cosmos energy field in pairs might have the original wave function and they could begin re-cohering particles they come in contact with the original wave function. As Stephen Hawking demonstrated, new particles can be set free in space if one of the pair is close enough to a black hole to be sucked into it. With black holes seemingly ubiquitous around the universe, that becomes a possibility.
People can be quantum entangled, especially identical twins and mother/child. Others can become more attuned to each other when they touch, with the unbalanced one receiving some balance. Their new wave function is not only more coherent but closer in form to the one they received the energy from. Identical twins start life as the same set of particles. When they split into two eggs, the entanglement stays in place for some of the particles and surely remains so for all their lives.
C. Superposition and Quantum Collapse
One of the more intriguing characteristics of quantum physics is the ability of the quantum state of a particle to be mysteriously hard to determine. For instance, the quantum state of an electron around a nucleus of an atom, be it spin or any other characteristic, can be in a number of states, and could be envisioned more as a cloud. We might be tempted to say that it exists in all those places, but the cloud we see isn’t physical electrons, it’s a spread of the possible states that the electrons can be in. We will refer to this ability to multi-site itself as superposition, which is a simple way of thinking of it but ok for us.
Quantum superposition in non-technical terms is the ability of particles to be in more than one place at a time (in our view of reality, of course). The basis of this theory is the uncertainty principle, which says multiple states of a particle can’t be measured at the same time. For instance, putting it on a human level, we can’t know both where we are and where we’re going, because if we know where we are, we’re standing still, so we can’t say where we’re going. We have to move to make that call, then we’re not in that place anymore. This gives rise to the problem of our having to deal with a set of possibilities for the real value of the state we are looking for instead of working with certainty.
This uncertainty means that matter doesn’t exist until someone cares to look at it. Trying to measure it causes it to collapse to one state (imagine a row of dominos that all but one fall over). We use the term quantum collapse to mean selection of one of many possibilities even though it has a more definite scientific meaning in quantum science: collapse of the wave function associated with the particle. It seems strange that we can cause a quantum event, but that is the true nature of the beast. Our brain has solved this dilemma by being able to influence the collapse through its connection with the cosmos.
The number of possible states may be infinite but it is also inclusive. For example, if the next set of states concerns an apple falling, any possible state of the apple rising has little probability. Therefore the cosmos has a limit on which states to truly consider.
We will look further at quantum collapse as a decision maker for future events by the brain on how it and the quantum field work together to create our reality.
Does that make us the boss? Only if we know how to control it.
D. Reality
Classical science gives us a very detailed and accurate picture of what our world looks like and how it works. Physics tells us how things move, chemistry makes sense out of particle and energy reactions, and biology outlines physical life in all its manifestations. Most of what we live through works for us because we can detect it through our five senses. We live and die according to its rules and simply do the best we can.
Philosophy, particularly metaphysics, came along as sort of a fifth wheel sidekick to religion as a way to make sense of it all. Even though not scientifically verifiable with physical evidence, it became real to people who experienced a spiritual awakening.
Recent advances in the science of quantum physics have added a foundation to the spiritual movements. The presence of an energy field that pervades the universe is basically the same one that ancient spiritualists claimed, and its nature fits in well enough for the two world views to merge almost seamlessly.
So what is reality in the quantum view? When we look at our finger, it looks like skin. That’s reality to us. If we look through a microscope at it, it looks like cells. Our reality has changed just by observing it in a different way. Looking deeper, we see molecules, then atoms, then sub-atomic particles, then nothing. That nothing is energy, the base of all matter. Matter doesn’t exist. It is just the way our brain translates the energy emanating from electromagnetic fields that give us our sense of reality.
But without our observation of it, even that isn’t the real quantum world. If you visualize an atom, you might find a cloud of electrons surrounding it. But even that isn’t really matter, and what you would find there is a cloud of possible locations for the electrons. They can exist in an infinite number of states and only when they are observed will the cloud be forced to commit to a location through quantum collapse. Then, when the observer looks away, the cloud reappears, and further observation would result in different realities after further collapses.
Strangely enough, the nature of the observer or their environment directs which state the cloud collapses into. This becomes important in the body’s spiritual connection to the cosmos that causes the next event in our life to collapse. More on that later.
Is reality different on Earth than it is on the moon? There’s a funny connection between time and gravity here. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, gravity slows time down. The bigger the object or the closer to it you are, the greater the gravity and the more time slows down. The theory says it is due to the large curvature in the space-time continuum. Actually, you can travel to the future by getting nearer a large object like a black hole. Time really slows down there so if you hang around for a while, when you come back to Earth a lot of time would have elapsed. Twenty years would be a piece of cake. Going backward in time, not so easy to do above the quantum world. Maybe they will find a way to leave a trail of bread crumbs (figuratively) to get back.
If thoughts really do determine what is real, just think, your personality creates your personal reality.
E. Consciousness
Now the big question: What is consciousness? According to Hindu teaching, consciousness is everything, and everything is consciousness. For scientists who follow the Copenhagen convention, consciousness is created at quantum collapse. For us it is the connection between the perception of reality and truth.
The second question is where consciousness actually resides, inside the brain or perhaps at the impossibly small Plank scale in the cosmos. If the cosmos is really just a giant set of possibilities that the brain can access like a computer database, then the mind can sort the possibilities and choose one that is to its best advantage. But if the cosmos is aware of everything that goes on everywhere, might it not sort the possibilities and whittle down the choices to a manageable few ahead of time? That might require a strong cooperative sharing of data between the two, which would necessitate a physical (or strictly quantum) linking mechanism. If the observer really does influence (or dictate) the event collapse, that link could be the ticket.
Consciousness is not a body facet. It originates in the cosmos and is intrinsically linked to the brain or perhaps it is the brain–cosmos connection itself. As such, it outlives the body in its original quantum form as it was before being connecting to the body before birth.
Some people are naturally attuned to each other through past common birth ancestors or having spent a lot of time in intimate contact when young. These people feel the connection in later life when they meet but are not necessarily aware of it. Perhaps that unknown connection exists between strangers and gives us that strange attraction.
Consciousness itself drives the illusion of reality because it created it. One should live so as to not have their consciousness in conflict with its content.
IV. Cells and the Cosmic Body
We have seen how the body was designed to run like a well-tuned machine, doing its own internal maintenance to avoid problems with disease. It inputs information from the environment it finds itself in, analyzes it and digs into its own pharmacy to keep everything from malfunctioning. But it has to overcome its own inadequacies that arose from the original transposing from pure energy to what we think of as reality: matter and light. The creators have given us the
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IV. Cells and the Cosmic Body
We have seen how the body was designed to run like a well-tuned machine, doing its own internal maintenance to avoid problems with disease. It inputs information from the environment it finds itself in, analyzes it and digs into its own pharmacy to keep everything from malfunctioning. But it has to overcome its own inadequacies that arose from the original transposing from pure energy to what we think of as reality: matter and light. The creators have given us the ability to keep it tuned or carelessly opt for the short-term easy path. We in the western world have taken the mantra of acquiring material things as the clear path to what we consider our personal happiness, meanwhile neglecting to oil the gears of our inner existence. Our brains are programmed by puberty to have survival skills that allow us to function in the societies that offer everyone a place in the pyramid in such a way that most of us are afraid to chip away at the structure, knowing that we can go down as well as up. But that protection comes at a cost, that of having to function in a survival state of anxiety, problem pains, and rampant and uncontrollable emotions.
From quantum physics we now know that our reality is based on illusions that our brain gives us. We can live long, productive, and happy lives never knowing nor caring that matter is just our view of energy. We use our technological advances to live longer, healthier, and more interesting lives than our recent ancestors. Only when the system fails us do we look for alternatives like meditation and connection to a spiritual being inside us. But being used to doubt anything that we can’t prove, only an understanding of how it could really work will bring true belief and relief.
But is there a scientific basis to it all? Can we perform experiments that are akin to the smoking gun of strange things like a connection between two people’s minds, information in the phantom cosmos that we can access, and a process to get a handle on making it happen? The first place to look is inside the low-level building blocks of the body, the cell.
The body has an unbelievable 50 trillion (or more) cells. Each one is a small living organism in its own right and has to be pampered by the entire system. It needs to be fed, protected, oxygenated, given instructions for its many possible jobs and habits. It contains all necessary tools to maintain its own structure and functions and to provide the chemicals and communications about its own health and doings to the rest of the body, particularly the brain. Inside each tiny cell are a factory, a power plant, a vast library, proteins to act as workers, enzymes for tools, amino acids for building blocks and DNA for blueprints. It is wrapped in a cell wall that repels water, communicates with selected outside agencies, and is very particular about what it lets into the cell itself. All the while it is constantly having to update everything as the body’s environment changes. It edits its own DNA, refolds its proteins for different functioning, all the while monitoring its chemical content and ordering supplies when they become low.
DNA is a double helix strand of chemical bases that encode the characteristics of all living things. Human DNA is found in the nucleus of every cell packed in 23 pairs of chromosomes. A chromosome is a threadlike structure of nucleic acids (double helix strands of chemical bases A, T, G and C) and protein. It carries genetic information in the form of genes, which are sets of chemical bases. Examples of nucleic acids are DNA and RNA.
Human chromosomes are very close to those of the great apes and chimpanzees. The main difference is in chromosome number 2. When compared to the same one in the ape, it appears that two chromosomes of the ape were cut and fused to make the one for humans. This seems to have occurred about 200,000 years ago. Human genes have changed little in that time, an indication that there has been a small amount, if any, human evolution since then. Add that to the fact that there is no direct proof of human evolution before then, it is probable that humans did not evolve by natural selection after all but were guided through select gene editing. Darwin himself wrote that it would be the likely outcome when the process was seriously looked at. For a description of how genes can be edited from outside the body, refer to the section on CRISPR.
DNA has been around about as long as one-celled organisms have. How the first single cell came up with this complicated process is not at all clear. DNA isn’t all that hard to make. It can be created in the lab by mixing the necessary acids and energizing it with a variety of sources, even by sound waves. DNA has even been found in meteorites that survived the crash on earth. Maybe the first DNA on earth arrived that way. Unfortunately, no extraterrestrial DNA has ever had that spark of life. Dead end.
Growing an organism starts with copying the chromosome. The replication is done by cutting the strand in two and filling both resulting half strings back in, creating an exact copy. This process uses enzymes to facilitate the cutting action and a protein to open the strand and another to do the unpacking. Another nucleic acid called RNA comes along with a blueprint of how to make both strands into full copies of the original. Since the bases are paired AT and GC, the RNA knows which to replace the missing one with.
Viruses are the mysterious outsiders of the DNA world. Some say they’re not even sure they’re alive. They know how to invade just about any cell. To get into the nucleus, they ride the tram that the cell uses to get nutrients inside. They are too large to fit into the doorways, but the transport mechanism continues hammering away until the virus is broken up. The smaller pieces can then make their way inside, where they spill their DNA and kidnap the gene replication mechanism to make copies of itself. It then ruptures the cell and spills its DNA into the body.
The DNA is constantly being changed as the brain experiences stimuli both from inside the body and out. For a more detailed description of how cells decide to update their DNA, refer to the section on Epigenetics.
DNA has its own energy field and can be affected by activity in the brain such as emotions. When the brain is put into a balanced state by emotions such as gratitude, the strings loosen and elongate, which makes access to them easier. This facilitates the processes which are continually using and updating DNA.
New discoveries show that human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA. Current science allows for only DNA to DNA or DNA to RNA. The ability of RNA to alter DNA allows for a much more efficient process.
DNA has been shown to communicate with the quantum field and even organize it. An experiment showed that DNA can influence the cosmos. Scientists placed DNA into a sealed vacuum chamber then exposed it to low power laser light and analyzed how the photons scattered thru the chamber. Prior to the arrival of the DNA, the photons had scattered in a random way, which indicated that they had no structure, but when the DNA came in contact with them in the chamber, the photons arranged themselves around the DNA structure. They were organized by it. When DNA was removed, something unexpected happened. The photons were still being ordered in the vacuum by some new field structure of memory that they later called the phantom DNA. This showed that the DNA influenced the quantum vacuum. This becomes important when we try to understand how our body can balance itself with the cosmos.
Only about 1 percent of DNA goes to making proteins that build the body. The rest have been considered junk and not only non-coding but actually useless for anything. That view is changing. According to Dr Fritz Popp, living DNA is a receiver and transmitter of coherent light called biophotons. It has been speculated that the non-coding DNA is what governs this transmission and reception and may even use it to communicate between DNA strands at light speed If true, this would mean that we can also use coherent light to communicate with our DNA.
There is a gene for early growth response. It’s a master switch for genes handling growing new body parts. Humans have the gene and just need to know what the assisting non-coding DNA it needs to switch on to accomplish body part regrowth.
B. Epigenetics
Epigenetics is a new take on genetics that states that the DNA string contains proteins that are used by the cell to determine gene expression. This allows the gene to be used for various characteristics without the DNA being altered. This would explain why people with a cancer-associated gene never get cancer.
Epigenetics control biology. If you want to see some scientific technical tap dancing, ask someone how human zygotes know which type of stem cell they should turn into. Obviously, medical science has no explanation other than a miracle occurs, or a bow to epigenetics.
Gene expression is the process of proteins creating structures inside the cell using genes as a guide. The genes are expressed according to their environment. An experiment by Bruce Lipton used human cells grown in a single petri dish. The 30,000 identical cells were then split into three parts on different culture media. Each set of cells grew into different cell types: muscle, fat, and nerve, proving that the human zygote goes into cell differentiation according to each cell’s environment. Signals from the culture media direct the proteins to create the various chemicals necessary to begin the change. These are more proteins, acids, enzymes, etc. to do the work.
Human chromosomes are filled with proteins and DNA, 50% each more or less. There are approximately23,000 genes in eleven chromosomes. Proteins create our structure using the DNA inside the chromosomes as a blueprint.
Cells have thin membrane walls but are structured to not allow anything into the cell that is not recognized by protein receptors that penetrate the cell wall. Antenna-like structures wait for a signal from the outside world, then open other receptors to allow admission of particles.
DNA is being constantly changed as the environment of the body changes. Tests show it happening quickly to every cell in the body. The signal causes the protein to change shape, which begins the gene editing. Proteins are long strings of amino acids, some of which contain a positive charge and the rest negative. The proteins take a shape when they fold in a manner that pairs positive and negative acids, which attract, and fold the other way when a pair have similar charges. This shape determines the function that the protein uses for the DNA expression.
In review, the protein first strips the section to be edited of its protein coating, then uses an enzyme to cut the DNA string out of the chromosome. It is then stripped down the middle, producing an RNA string which is the mirror image of the half left in the DNA. This messenger RNA then moves out to act as a guide for the edit as the protein that has been modified by the signal creates a new RNA that is inserted into the DNA string, then filled out into a new gene. The original string can be remade if necessary because of the base pairing inside the DNA. Note that the proteins are the workers, the enzymes are the tools, and the DNA is the blueprint. The DNA takes no active part in the editing process. This process results in as many as 3000 proteins per gene.
To get signals to 50 trillion cells, it would seem that only a quantum connection between the brain and all other systems in the body could act that fast. Changes in the body’s magnetic field by alterations in the magnetic systems continually rewire the brain, thus the genes of the entire body are being changed continually. This process depends on the mind interpreting the environment, accessing the quantum field, determining the correct event to come, then informing all the cells in the body that would need the changed data. Again, to select the right ones, the brain signal uses a vibration that matches the resonance of the self-receptors on the cell walls.
According to epigenetics, genes are a library of potentials. Genes don’t create disease. Our reaction to the environment does. Almost all genetic problems are caused by lifestyle.
Genes turn on and off all the time because they are being regulated from instructions outside the cell. Emotional events cause the body’s cells to regulate. The body makes about 100,000 proteins, plus 40,000 others. There should be 140000 genes but there are only about 23000. Each gene could have thousands of variations that cause it to work in different ways.
mRNA vaccines injected into the body for virus protection carry instructions to the cells to create a new protein that creates a viral or bacterial protein that the body doesn’t recognize so it sets up defenses that handle the original virus as well. Most people in the western world now have been injected with them even though the long-term effects of these proteins are untested and unknown.
There is experimental evidence for emotional changes altering our gene expression. When mice were shocked and given a chemical to smell, they would get terrified whenever they smelled it. The next generation was created by artificial insemination, so they never had contact with their parents. These mice all had the same fear, showing that genes are being changed in real time, even the eggs that are still in the womb, showing that they inherited fear from their fathers.
C. CRISPR – Gene Editing
CRISPR has become the name of a breakthrough in cellular gene editing. Repeating sections of DNA that are not useful to the cell but just placeholders have a long name whose acronym is CRISPR, and that stuck for the whole process. It was first discovered as a natural process in a common bacterium that was able to survive a virus attack.
Viruses and bacteria have waged war for countless eons. Each has evolved new ways to attack the other while fending off counterattacks. When a virus enters the cell, the bacterium senses its presence and activates its defense mechanism. A set of enzymes takes a reading of a section of the virus DNA and compares it to ones that have been copied and stored from previous virus invasions. If it matches, they cut the virus DNA strand, thus killing it. If the sections don’t match, the cell will cut out one of the CRISPR sections and replace it with the new virus DNA. This results in immunity from that virus.
All organic cells with DNA have the total gene editing function. How did the original one-celled organisms evolve such a complicated process by chance and wind up in every organism after that? The process of evolving enzymes to cut the cell’s own DNA and another to make that decision, a process to use a patch gene only if available, all sequential events, would be impossible to originate through natural selection. This puts this process in the class of processes termed “irreducible complexity”, that is, everything has to be there all at the same time for it to work. It might appear that it was set up that way in order for an outside force to experiment with edited mutations to force human evolution. Actually, we can (and undoubtedly are) doing that today ourselves.
Let’s look at an example of a simple bacterium gene editing experiment from ODIN.
Bacteria and all other organisms need to make proteins to survive. Proteins are tiny nanomachines that do everything from control our metabolism to keeping our heart beating. In order to make a protein, a cell uses the DNA code. Every three sequential letters of DNA codes for a single amino acid. Proteins are chains of amino acids.
A solution of Cas9 proteins and guide RNA (gRNA) is mixed with the target bacteria. The Cas9 protein is the engine of CRISPR. It binds the guide RNA (gRNA) and the gene targeted for editing. If a gene match is found, the Cas9 protein will make a double-stranded cut in the DNA. The cell responds to the cut by trying to repair the DNA damage. Cas9 only cuts, it doesn’t do any actual gene editing. Instead, it tricks the cell into doing it.
Once the Cas9 protein makes a cut on the gene, the cell begins to try to repair the DNA through a process called Homologous Recombination. During this process, the cell is looking for a DNA template to use in repairing the gene that was cut. If we flood the cell with a template that is similar to the missing region but has a change in it, the cell will mistake it for a true copy and use it instead.
An alternate course is to create a PAM, which is a Protein A Motif. The cell protein seeks out this mark to ensure that it uses the correct replacement string of DNA.
Experiment - Grow bacteria that have been edited to have a gene that protects it from a toxin.
Cas9 and all other proteins are made by the ribosome, a nucleic acid and protein complex inside the cell. The media that we would attempt to grow the bacteria on contains a molecule called streptomycin which binds the ribosome and prevents it from making proteins, stopping the bacteria from replicating and growing. The test makes a specific mutation in the ribosomal subunit protein rpsL that prevents streptomycin from binding to it, allowing the bacteria to grow on the streptomycin media. It changes a single DNA base so that the Lysine amino acid at position 43 is turned on.
The genome of the E. coli bacteria is over 4 million DNA bases in size and CRISPR will find the single one that needs to be mutated.
The term competent means the bacterial cells are able to intake foreign DNA. Cell walls normally prevent things from entering, but mixing the bacteria with chemicals and salts makes it competent. In order to get the genes to work we need to get them inside the cells. This process is called transformation. All the materials go into synthetic DNA.
Perhaps a useful self-edited feature would be for extra time awake. The gene that regulates sleep time (DEC2) allows people to get by on six or fewer hours of sleep per night. This is viewed as a desirable gene, so it is a new entry into the designer gene market. Who wouldn’t want a couple of hours added to their day? The question of how the brain would be able to get its house cleaning done will have to be determined over time.
D. Placebo Effect
A placebo is a harmless substance given to a patient in place of real medicine to make them believe they are being treated. It got started when an army doctor ran out of morphine but told the wounded soldier that the medicine he was getting was the real thing. It worked.
Patients must believe that they were given the good stuff. The key to the placebo working is the belief of the mind. In fact, belief is key to all the spiritual level healing. Fortunately, there is now scientific proof of its efficacy. Often if the drug has an expected side effect, the patient is given a drug that mimics the expected effect. At times they may have to be conditioned into believing by altering the pill’s looks or taste.
Studies have demonstrated that thinking of a treatment produces the same effect as the treatment. Once the mind actually believes that it has been given the medicine, it secretes the same chemicals as it would have when the medicine was actually administered. Along with this, experiments have shown that people can decrease their pain levels by thought alone by actually producing the chemicals that block pain in the body after it works for them once and they believe in the power of the brain. The brain will take no action to produce a cure if it doubts itself. The small percentage of those who see no improvement are almost assuredly the result of a confused or unbalanced mind.
The overpowering success of placebos is the main proof that the mind can heal the body. Once this fact is fully accepted, then the brain’s ability to heal the body through thought is assured.
E. Quantum Entanglement of Cells
The body and the cosmos are intertwined and entangled at the body’s magnetic field level. Who is the boss, the cosmos or the brain? If they aren’t on the same page, nothing works right.
If the immune system is unable to distinguish the body’s own cells from invaders, it would attack them as well as invading organisms. To tell friend from foe, the cell has a mechanism to communicate with the world outside the cell to distinguish them. Lack of balance within the body causes a miscommunication and a fault decision when the immune system has to make a decision.
The various magnetic fields in the body are entangled with other cells as well as with the quantum field, and their self-receptors receive information from them all and receive data necessary for the cell to adjust its own DNA as its environment changes.
Experiments have shown that a cell mass taken and kept alive at a distance from the body will show a change in its magnetic field whenever the donor body goes through an emotional change. Also, it is likely the same when a mother knows when a distant child is distressed. They were once one body and had nine months of intimate contact.
V. Brain Cosmos Connection
Physics now frames our spiritual nature and gives rise to the probability of its existence.
The quantum explanation of our spiritual nature is simply paying attention to the scientifically unproven side of what is going on in the human body. It does not include the occult or far side beings, nor does it allow for the existence or use of evil in any form. It does include the study of internal processes that would lead to the body being able to heal itself, to gain information from its creator, and to turn control of our future over to ourselves. It also explains why people feel like they can unknowingly communicate in subtle ways with others, feel a strangeness when events occur far outside the body’s reach, and maybe most important, how the universe really works. Much of it can be demonstrated by simple experiments that show positive results from the use of the theory. But as usual in non-main-stream science, the introduction of new ideas that are far from the accepted norm requires more than anecdotal evidence and will never win a Nobel prize. But advances in physics have proven even to the hard learners that the quantum field is a reality, has strange properties that support a spiritual input, and explains how the human spirit could actually be a link to the universe. To admit that humans have a spiritual side is now to be ahead of those who will not open their minds.
A. Process Proofs and Assumptions
The objective was to find a scientific basis for claims of a connection between the human brain and the cosmos, but what is evident is just how weird they both are.
Proof level definitions for terms.
1. Proven – believed because of results of scientific experiments.
2. Accepted - circumstantially demonstrated for cause and effect.
3. Probable – evidence is reasonable but anecdotal or unsubstantiated test results.
4. Credibly possible – shown to be possible by science with creditable author.
5. Possible – thought to be doable but not demonstrated.
6. Claimed – no credibility beyond unknown claimant’s credibility.
How we rate what we found.
1. We believeonly the parts of the process that can be scientifically proven.
2. We acceptthe parts that can’t be proven but are possible because they make sense scientifically.
3. We hold to the parts that make sense after being only circumstantially demonstrated if they fit the process to a credible degree.
4. We keep an open mind on the rest.
B. Summary of Scientific Proofs – Level 1
· Quantum physics proves the cosmos is a universe-wide quantum energy field that supports entanglement, superposition, and quantum collapse. Quantum collapse proves the connection between the mind and the cosmos and demonstrates how the mind can control the future state of particles.
· Reality is the brain’s interpretation of what the quantum cosmos gives to it.
· All matter is pure energy when observed at its most basic. Matter is just energy observed at a human level.
· The body contains piezoelectric crystals and synthesizes magnetite in order to create a magnetic field around the body.
· The fascial system contains fiber optic-like modules to transmit information to and from every system in the body.
· In our youth, the subconscious mind learns survival functions and programs them into the subconscious where they remain as permanent residents.
· Placebos prove that the mind can heal the body by producing the same chemicals that the real doses would have resulted in. Healing can occur without the medicine.
· The brain and the heart have strong magnetic fields that vary with the mental state of the mind.
· People can put themselves into a deep mental state by mind control and use thoughts to change their DNA and rewire their brain.
· The brain area that handles the motor development of activities such as piano playing can be grown by thoughts about playing without the physical action.
· Human DNA can be changed by emotions alone and is in constant flux.
· Proteins are constantly being altered to change to a new gene expression by the arrival of signals to add new amino acids. It then refolds as a different protein.
· Human stem cells, initially identical, turn themselves into muscle, fat, nerves, etc. by direction from their environment. All stem cells are identical when they split, including the chemicals inside the cell itself that operate the gene expression; therefore, their expression is directed from outside the cell and is possible from outside the body.
· CRISPR proves that DNA can be altered to order by forces or intelligence outside the body.
· Person-to-person quantum brain entanglement, especially between identical twins or mother/child, has been demonstrated.
C. Summary of Assumptions – Level 2
Assumptions – What we accept as a possibly rational if not totally provable set of facts based on our research of the current state of science on the physics of the body and the nature of the universe that can be applied to our model and accepting the experimental results from documented interviews with credible scientists. The goal is to verify scientifically each step of the model where possible and to select the best fit elsewhere.
· The universe was created and is maintained by a superior intelligence. Existence of the current cosmos by chance is impossible given the odds.
· Quantum states are the rule, unknowable until an observation collapses them, and applies to our perception of the cosmos as well as the tiny quantum world.
· Information that the brain needs from the cosmos resides in vibrations in the quantum field.
· Because the brain has a strong magnetic field, a balanced mind has a more organized and clearer magnetic footprint, which aids balancing the body overall.
· A communication system exists between all organs in the body, including the brain, pineal gland, and fascial system that provides a two-way path for communications to each other and a possible entangled link to the quantum world.
· Our brains have a connection to the cosmos that can be demonstrated.
· Consciousness resides in the brain and cosmos connection and as such could outlive the body.
· Quantum collapse has been designed to be to our advantage by allowing the collapsed state to be what we want it to be.
· Our conscious mind sets the stage for the offering of a large number of future events that determine our perception of reality every second of every day. This is automatic regardless of whether our brains are wired to be in resonance with the cosmos, sometimes allowing unwanted results.
· The method for setting the stage for the desired outcome is to balance the body energy centers and create coherence with the cosmos.
· The brain does not know all the possibilities for the next event. It has to go outside itself to find out. That information resides only in the cosmos.
· Similar to how a quantum computer in our reality returns a list of possible solutions with the most probable ones at the top, the quantum cosmos returns a set of possible events with the most desirable ones at the top.
· Every particle within the body’s information input area is a cloud of possibilities that the brain is continually observing in one way or another and is thereby continually orchestrating the collapse. This observation is primarily data arriving from internal communications, especially the fascial system. Events are made up of an enormous number of clouds all collapsing at once.
· The mind creates images from the data and frames them into a continuous video that we see in our minds as reality.
· DNA CRISPR editing will eventually allow everyone to determine their own future. Families will create their own sets of genes that will result in many new branches on the human tree.
D. Event Collapse Theory
We have seen how the brain connects with the cosmos, how quantum collapse dictates that the observer influences and probably controls future states, how the body creates a magnetic field to interface with the cosmos, and how reality is what our mind makes of it. We should have enough now to use scientific proofs and probabilities to make reasonable assumptions as a base for introducing a new working model of how we can consciously connect with the cosmos and control our futures.
We will use the term event collapseto mean the event selection by the brain, in the same manner that the term state collapse is used at the quantum level.
How it all works.
· At the time of the Big Bang, all energy was coherent. In order to create a cosmos that intelligent life could present as reality, energy was decohered into the electromagnetic spectrum. The individual energy packets we call photons were arranged to represent physical objects and were amassed by one type of quantum force and kept separate by another.
· The human brain was designed and developed to be able to use the frequencies that came to it in order to create our reality.
· The state of the mind determines what it considers reality, paying attention to the state of the body internally, external input from the five senses, the latest previous events, and how close to resonance it is with the cosmos.
· The body has the ability to completely heal itself when the conscious mind is subdued. Ancient people likely had the knowledge to connect with the cosmos and use it for healing. Anyone can do so today.
· Piezoelectric calcite crystals in the pineal gland produce electric charges which cause a magnetic field around the gland and are central to the body’s total magnetic field.
· Magnetite crystals synthesized by the brain and other organs provide the basis for the body’s magnetic field, as does the body’s water.
· The fascial system is constantly collecting data about the body and sending it to the brain through its fiber-optic type communication tubes. The system interfaces with all other systems in the body and can also sense the total magnetic field to assess the physical state of the body and keep the brain informed.
· At the quantum level, nothing is certain. Multiple states exist for every possibility. The multiple states collapse to one state when observed, which is then presented as reality. Events at the human level have a quantum nature just like particles do. Events are not predetermined but are decided on the spot by the brain, before they happen, by interfacing with the cosmos.
· When an event occurs for the body, the next event can be any one of a large number of possibilities, similar to the states for quantum objects. The cosmos defines the options based on what is possible considering the present reality of what the brain considers desirable, then shares this data with the brain for the mind to consider.
· The brain then selects the next event. If the brain is positive and balanced with the body, events will be good. Otherwise, a disturbed mind selects more at random.
· The event selection causes the event collapse. The cosmos creates the corresponding reality for the brain and uses this data to select the next set of event options. The fascial system prepares the body for the new reality and the next event.
· After each event, the brain alters the DNA to prepare for future events by sending signals to each of the body’s trillions of cells. Each cell’s self receptors accept any signal that is in resonance with their protein interface. The cell then updates its DNA.
VI. Accessing the Power
We have discussed the body and its mysterious parts that constantly monitor and communicate with each other to promote health: brain, pineal gland, fascia, enteric brain, microtubules, etc. We then delved into the quantum world, describing how it has quantum functions like entanglement to communicate between all particles in the universe, proving that the quantum field is the ether. We also looked at superposition, where one thing can be in multiple places at the same time, which proves that reality is made up of possibilities instead of physical matter, and took a look at quantum collapse, which shows that reality doesn’t exist until the possibilities of the next event are observed. We saw that reality and consciousness are functions of the mind as well as the cosmos and that the brain can heal the body through thoughts in the mind by concentrating energy at select points to add balance so that the body can be healthy. We explored DNA expression and alteration in cells by external signals to the proteins including thoughts, then outlined a model of how the body’s magnetic fields interface with the cosmos to gain information and agree on what the next event collapse should be. We will now apply these concepts to tap into the power of the cosmos by looking at age-old mental processes that allow us to clear our subconsciousness of the negative survival programming of our early years.
How do we know that our brains are unbalanced? Most people feel that’s the case some part of every day. Tempers flare, hopeless feelings arise and even the simplest decisions are overpowering. Sleep is problematic. A balanced mind has dreams, an unbalanced one has nightmares. A panic attack, which is simply a string of worst-case scenarios in the mind, comes on at the worst of times. There’s never enough energy to get things done. Friends are fickle and can’t be trusted. Relationships wilt. Life loses its purpose. Time to rewire.
Rewiring the Brain
Since the brain constantly rewires itself when it receives a stimulus, and a stimulus can be any thought signal, this opens the door for us to be our own brain remodelers. In early meditations, our worst survival programming is brought out for us to survey. The inner peace of the lower brain states Alpha and Theta allow us to appreciate the severity of the subconscious thoughts that seem to blurt out into words when we perceive any threat and respond without letting the conscious mind analyze it and consider a more level-headed response. Rewiring these thought patterns is first priority.
Meditating with thoughts of peace and gratitude affects the mind, making small changes in the wiring. But each of those can be quickly written over by the thoughts that come from anxiety, doubt, or any other survival tool. Making permanent changes requires a concerted repetitious application of the right process. The steps to go into lower brain states all go along the same lines: isolation, focus, and belief; isolate to remove the signals from the five senses that are constantly bombarding the brain, focus to establish exactly what it is that you wish to put inside the brain, and belief that it is working.
Belief is a tricky thing to get. It’s hard to make a conscious decision to believe something. Sooner or later a small doubt crowds in that blows the whole thing up, or at least weakens its force. Real belief comes at the end of a long trust process, a little at a time. Trust is a conscious decision while belief is embedded in the subconscious. Trust worked into the subconscious turns into belief when doubt is no longer an impediment to accepting the power of meditation. Belief comes when that little inner voice whispers “You know, that just might be true?” Just a tiny bit of trust to start will flourish if it finds the right soil. It either grows or it disappears.
For our simple processes, we will look at several of these methods. Note that all of them use balancing the mind with the cosmos as the basis of good things happening.
Path levels for brain help.
· High-level meditation – relax to ease tenseness.
· Low-level meditation – move energy to help body.
· Brain waves/magnetic field – for communication with others.
· Cosmos connection - for help selected by brain.
· Cosmos connection - for event selection control.
The objective is to create energy inside the body to overcome the consequences of living in the survival mode and to create coherence in the brain to get control of brain waves and negative heart events from the past and the subconscious survival programming. This will make the body field fill out and sync the mind and heart.
Science has taken the possibility of the brain cosmos connection and made it probable. The proof of the existence of an all-encompassing energy field has added credibility to many ancient ideas on mind and cosmos connection. We also now look at the placebo effect as more than a scientific curiosity, hold anecdotal evidence higher in our esteem when witnesses attest to the efficacy of using their mind to alter their health and futures, and have started considering the possibility that maybe our scientific method needs a new definition of proof.
From this point on, it is a matter of our applying various methods to achieve coherence and balance. These are available to anyone on the internet and will not be addressed here except that we will discuss meditation, a well-known technique for putting the mind into lower mental states as practiced in yoga, and then explore two lesser-known ways to access the power of the cosmos: The Law of Attraction and our Rho State Theory. They are both complementary to our analysis and suggested models.
A. Meditation
We will use the term meditation to describe the process of putting the mind into lower mental states through blocking out the five senses. This is an extreme simplification of the many and powerful techniques taught in the worlds’ religions and transcendental groups, but sufficient for our purposes of having it as scientifically provable as possible.
If a brain is burdened with hard-wired and deep subconscious programming, it may have developed a response mechanism to a perceived slight that requires no thought. It blurts itself out, hurting feelings, causing dissension, and proving that the person really can take most things the wrong way. And feel ok about it. The best description of this condition is: I am and I am not. I am, but subconscious experiences make me who I am not, so when reacting, the decision is made by I am not. Sound familiar? This is the signature of a subconscious mind that was programmed for physical survival in the formative years. Me against the world. For rewiring of a brain that had been given harsh programming that was meant to overpower and intimidate, deep mental state disciplines not discussed here may be necessary.
Meditative Process
Meditation means awareness, particularly of the subconscious states and internal mind programming that we went through in our early childhood. It is the gateway leading to control of our own mind to overcome the hard-wired attitudes and actions. Also, it forces you to come to grips with events and attitudes of early life and is the only way to truly know yourself.
Brain States
To meditate, you have to block out and disconnect from the outside world. You can’t change the subconscious mind from the conscious mind. Entering the subconscious states is where it all begins. Isolating in pleasant surroundings and closing the eyes to stop the action in the pineal gland from light signals allow the mind to concentrate on other parts of the body. Closing off input from the five senses slows brain waves down and suppresses the neocortex, encouraging the brain to become more coherent.
The first step in the meditative process is to change from Beta to Alpha by shutting out the world, a complete surrender of the present. The mind will with time slide down to the Alpha state. This is an idle brainwave pattern in an imaginative state. It is still too near the top to escape all reality of the present, but enough to allow a soothing release of pressure. Bad thoughts still push their way in, but over time they will have less and less power. This is the beginning of heart coherence: gratitude, appreciation. Thankfulness, joy of life, connection to something greater, worthiness, confidence.
Theta is next lower state, daydreaming, semi-asleep. You are conscious in your subconscious. In this state, the subconscious takes control of the changes in the brain and subconscious thoughts can begin to change the body and rewire the brain. It is said that Einstein could go into the Theta state without closing his eyes.
Delta state is next. It is the slowest of brain waves, sleepy, almost catatonic. Takes practice to stay above it.
One further state remains, but it is the highest and is attained only when a survival signal arrives in the brain, either from external or subconscious sources. The high beta state is a stress state called Gamma and it is best seen as body arousal for survival, superconscious. Anxiety.
Energy Points in the Body
Organs that have decision power over what chemicals they provide to the body can be helped back into coherence by concentration by the brain on them individually during meditation. For others, such as muscles, movement of a part of the body while holding the mind concentrating on it works better.
Disciplines like yoga define several energy points inside the body that are of interest to us. They will need to be balanced before the brain can become fully in tune with the cosmos. They are, from bottom to top:
· Lower enteric, part of digestive system that controls sphincter muscles.
· Upper enteric, part of digestive system that controls food digestion.
· Heart, more than just a pump, has a neural system.
· Pineal gland, gateway to the brain from the eyes, has hallucinogenic functions also.
· Brain, where it all comes together, the main connection to the cosmos.
The body’s magnetic field can be described as another energy point and is often depicted as residing above the body. We consider this to be the connection to the cosmos.
Focusing on Change
When someone is in a lower meditative state, they forget they have a body and lose track of time. As brain waves become coherent, the brain slowly moves from Alpha to Theta. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. Focus on the energy point that requires help and hold it. When the mind wanders, return it to the focus. Visualize your DNA unwinding and winding back. Visualization is key as it removes doubt about what you are after.
Energy increases with coherence and reality moves toward you as your field increases around you and goes from particles to waves. A smooth wave field allows coherence like the original energy field of the cosmos owned at the beginning.
Meditating daily is important. You can’t force balance, you have to plant the seed and let it grow.
B. Law of Attraction
You cannot have a universe without the mind entering into it. John Hagelin
Energy controls the world we live in as much as it does the quantum world. It likes to behave in a coherent way because it is so much more powerful when its strengths align. Just as the creator began everything with totally coherent energy, so now it has provided a carrot to humans to try to get back to the most balanced existence. It doesn’t require strict behavioral rules or sacrifices in our daily lives, not even overt acknowledgment of its existence. It even understands that self-interest isn’t evil or even undesirable. It abhors violence and anything else connected to the three anxiety-creating demons of the mind: worry, anger, and guilt. All it asks to make its power available is a belief in it and yourself and a brain that is in tune with the cosmos and the rest of the body.
The Law of attraction says that everything that has come to you was attracted to you through your own thoughts; that is, when you are positive about something, it is attracted to you. When you focus on what you desire to happen, the cosmos steps in and sees to it that it becomes reality. Or as Ed Gungor puts it: hold what you want in focus in your mind and it will be drawn to you.
The other force behind it is personal energy use. As Sandra Anne Taylor explains: Quantum Success – radio stations sending signals, which resonate with other people and they will tune into us and be drawn to us.
This facet of the Law of Attraction has a great similarity to the Positive Mental Attitude that is so highly regarded. It is however more directed to an acknowledged and defined problem. It does have a side force of personal vibes that others can feel because of your changed body movements, the way you speak, and even strange facial gestures. Remember, your brain secretes chemicals to support your facial movements, be they smile or frown. Your desires may also result in your acting in a subtle or different way when around common acquaintances that unknowingly act differently to your target because of that. In all, it is most powerful when both sides of the force work together.
The Law is most often applied when we want to help someone who has a problem that seems to be overwhelming them. We somehow connect with their vulnerability, sometimes before we even know anything about them. Most of us find vulnerabilities attractive in other people. This is perhaps because we see ourselves in a way and we sense someone who we can help, or simply because we see an empty stage to act on, or a personality and maybe even character that we can create and mold like we wish someone had done on us. And surely they wouldn’t be in any place to judge our actions.
When you expect the cosmos to do something, put it into words, say it out loud, and listen to yourself to be sure it’s clear in your mind what you want the end result to be. Have an inner vision of it by visualizing success. Believe that it will happen and focus on that. Do not be conflicted by any doubts about whether you wish it to be or what the consequences of it happening are. Allow the Law of Attraction to work.
You have to be balanced within yourself. Whatever you say you want has to be in sync with your real inner being and desires. You can’t feel sorry for someone you bear a chronic grudge against and ask that good things happen to them. It won’t help either of you. The grudge will unbalance your heart and your brain to the point that the brain-cosmos connection won’t be clearly understood by either and the actions taken not directed as you wish.
Why would there be a claim that anyone can make use of the Law of Attraction? It’s because everyone’s mind is trying to serve its owner as best it can. There are perhaps moments of clarity and focus in even the most agitated brain that the mind can take advantage of. This can be illustrated by an experiment by Ben Stewart where a person focuses on a fuzzy image on a screen. The image then changes to an outline of a landscape scene, displaying as a colored scene with blue sky and green bushes. When the observer looks away for a short time and then back, the color has disappeared. Actually, it was never there. The brain decided that the image was a landscape and that the person wanted to see blue skies and green bushes, so since the brain was focused, it colored it that way. When the focus was no longer there, the confused brain was unable to create the desired reality. Our brain really does create our reality like it thinks we want it to be.
C. Rho State Living – Favored by the Gods
The deep meditation path leads to health and peace and eventually becoming happy but for many it means worrying about taking a chance on giving up a necessary fighting spirit to live a completely transcendental life. This may not be the path they would even find possible due to the environment that surrounds them. There are alternatives for some.
To access the powers of the cosmos connection, we need take our minds no deeper than the area between the Alpha and Theta states, which we’ll term the Rho state. This state can in fact be maintained in daily living under certain conditions of balance between the brain and body. This balance results from a lack of anxiety creation and is achieved by following a conscious practice of downplaying the importance of the small stuff (and, as they say, it’s all small stuff). Those who have been successful at reprogramming their subconsciousness to erase the negative impulses can settle into this Rho state by exercising Theta state thoughts as responses to anxiety level events before they allow the consciousness to retrieve them from deep subconscious image storage. The watchword phrase is “It doesn’t matter!” no matter how traumatic the event is. When the conscious mind accepts that as truth, there is no anxiety arising from the mind demons. The brain quickly slips back into Rho state, the subconscious is subdued and placated, and the resulting mind-cosmos resonance allows for the event collapse to be positive. Rho State Theory is looking inward to be able to control the cosmos with the end goal of satisfaction in knowing that control of the future is in the right hands.
A similar path to a Rho state life is available to people who have in fact never had subconscious survival programming. This could come from a childhood lack of anxiety, the great and ruthless teacher. This may be for youth who live a life of protected luxury, but most likely belongs to those who have been well taken care of but never parented harshly enough to be given reason for acquiring anxiety programming over survival state feelings. They arrive at conscious programming feeling that they aren’t part of the accepted level of any society and don’t expect to be able to control their part in one by any way other than being submissive, hidden, and generally living in their own fantasy world where they won’t come in contact with conflict, competition or having to prove anything to anyone. Just a couple of ingrained survival feelings is sufficient to allow their conscious mind to slip into a perpetual Rho fantasy state for any event.
These people can access this power without going into a deep mental state or indeed having to follow any method. You may know one. They live their lives at times aloof from the cares of the world, never seeming to attach importance to the little nuisances that most people add to their daily lives that keep them in a state of anxiety, and always exhibit a calm assurance that they have control of their future. They may be seen smiling and even laughing to themselves for no reason at all. A fantasy world, to be sure, but real to them.
Continually letting go of bad things that have happened is prerequisite to not having a chronic sense of anxiety due to worry, anger, or guilt. Also, poetry and music are aids to daydreaming as well as having people around you who seem to have a wave function similar or at least tunable to yours.
Remember the old saying: conscience doth make cowards of us all. That’s the old meaning of conscience, which is the fear of consequences, not guilt. That comes under worry more than guilt.
Having daily intimate contact with the earth, especially in the early formative years, is particularly helpful in creating a countering balance. And, when you live in a state of creativity instead of a state of stress, much coherence flows from the cosmos to your brain without even asking. Remember, we’re not changing the world, we’re changing how we perceive the world.
Asking the cosmos for a desired action reinforces the link between it and the mind. A body with all parts tuned to and in coherence with the cosmos clears the pipeline for help. Real intimacy in life is what you have inside, how you feel about being with yourself. Your mind has to be able to trust your subconscious or they will never find balance. The purpose of survival deprogramming is to regain that trust. A conflicted existence means random and messy results.
The pivotal action of being in the Rho fantasy state is daydreaming. It can be found without closing out the entire real world by being in a place of exceptional serenity and isolation. This can be aided by having a full plate of interests, expectations, happy thoughts, lovely people in daily contact, hope for the future, and a pain-free day. And it doesn’t help if you allow bad events to loom or dwell on their possibility, so take care of business before seeking entry.
Not being burdened by the anxieties of the past is key to a balanced future, but living in this state is not without its costs. The absence of these behavior modifiers allows obsessions and addictions to find a shortcut to influence in responses to event stimuli. Rationalization becomes the first defense and a plan must be put in place to balance the results.
In order to live in a Rho state, the mind must be in the right mode. To assist the process, a program called Rho State Living (RSL) is a mental software state machine program that is the replacement for the meditation-deleted hard-wired ones that used to be enabled by the subconscious when the corresponding stress stimuli were received. Creating this program in the subconscious is a conscious exercise combined with meditation and is outlined in detail in the second volume of this series Power of the Quantum Mind: Rho State Living. For more information on software state machine functioning, refer to the section Quantum State Machine in this document.
You know you live in the right mind state when you spend so much time daydreaming that everyone says you live in a fantasy world. You can concentrate and focus to get back to Alpha and even Beta or snap to awareness to analyze a possible fight or flight event, but then you slip back to Rho state as soon as the stimulus ends. Given time and attention, others will realize that your fantasy world is the result of your, like the ancient Greeks, being favored by the gods.
VII. Synopsis – The Magic of Quantum Science
What is the basic absolute good according to the universe? It seems to be that the cosmos works smoothest and as designed if every particle in it is coherent and balanced with each other. Everything was coherent before the introduction of the great experiment called life on earth caused the decoherence or, possibly, our creators simply could not figure out how to construct our brains so that we could ever understand the real world, so they devised a method to dumb it down for us. The closest we can get to the original setup is to create as much balance among body systems and the quantum field as we can. This will allow for a life of health and peace if not of reality.
Just as a quantum computer in our reality returns a set of possible solutions with the most probable at the top, the cosmos’ quantum computer sorts the list of possible events from the cosmos led by the most favorable while moving bad events lower for less chance of selection. This favorable sorting happens for all levels of favored people, allowing the laws of physics to go ahead and act out their own dictate, whatever that was set up to be. Therefore someone who lives in the Rho state and has gone for a long period of time without something bad happening in their life is just as favored as someone who has come into a lot of material things.
Expectations must be managed carefully so they don’t cause conflict in our belief in its power. The cosmos was set up so that things would be good for us, but asking a favor is not a way of seeking a gift. It is a way of preparing the brain for what the conscious mind desires. All we have to do is convince our brain that all is well within ourselves so it will gain balance and make good things happen. It is our brain that creates the magic. It helps us by allowing us to up the odds on a better future even as it happens.
Nothing happens all at once. The power offered to us by the cosmos isn’t a genie or a magician that can make the impossible occur, or indeed create abrupt changes in our future as a favor to us. It can only recognize the possible events that exist from moment to moment and present them to us. Events are what are called elements that are infinitesimally-short duration changes to tiny bits of energy, and reality is an integrated string of them that we call time. With each occurrence, a balanced brain will select its future as it wishes it to be; an unbalanced brain will stumble in the confusion.
It takes a lot of infinitesimally small events to even register in our reality, so each one is only the first step in a long journey. Our brain selects events at an incredible rate, causing each one of them to collapse from many possibilities to one, creating reality by simply observing. Without this collapse, the future would not happen, and we, like the electrons in a cloud of possibilities around a nucleus, would not exist.
If the creators are indeed meddling in the affairs of humans, it is probable that it is through arranging the list of possibilities so the most desirable will be at the top.
One final thought. Selected events can change the future, but slowly, sometimes testing the belief so necessary and so carefully nurtured in the brain. If you’re going to try this, with whatever meditation method you choose, remember that when you ask the cosmos for something, you must have three things: a clear inner vision of what it is you are asking, a belief that you will receive it, and an unconflicted mind about deserving it or the consequences of receiving it. Convince yourself that your wish has already been granted and live like that is true. s.
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